Join The Citrus Heights Womans Club The GFWC Citrus Heights Women’s Club is dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service. We strive and encourage others to be leaders in our community. We welcome everyone and are inclusive of all members – teens through 90’s, all ethnicities and cultural backgrounds. The following are the reasons to join us:
1. FRIENDSHIP: One of the most significant benefits to belonging to our Club is the support, encouragement, comfort, enthusiasm, creativity, and friendship. We become great friends.
2. OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE: Our service Club provides the chance to do something for someone else and feel the self-fulfillment that comes in the process and return that satisfaction to one’s own life.
3. CITIZENSHIP IN THE COMMUNITY: Membership in our Club makes one a better community citizen. We partner with other Citrus Heights service organizations and our local sister Federation clubs.
4. CITIZENSHIP BEYOND THE LOCAL COMMUNITY: Our Club is involved in improving the lives of others globally. We help each other and collectively help others.
5. PERSONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT: Membership in our Club continues one’s growth and education in human relations and personal development.
6. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: Our Club is an organization of leaders and successful people. We volunteer to serve as an Officer, Committee Chairperson, Committee Member to build leadership skills and to learn how to motivate, influence, and make a difference in our world.
7. NETWORKING: In today’s world, everyone needs and wants to feel connected to our fellow human beings. Our Club consists of a cross section of people from the community. We welcome members from all walks of life and points of view. We ZOOM with our Federated sisters Statewide.
8. FUN: We can laugh at ourselves. Our meetings and our service projects are FUN!
How to join? Simply complete our INVITATION TO JOIN & Interest Check-off Sheet, then submit along with your annual dues. We would love to have you join us in service. How to join? Simply complete our INVITATION TO JOIN & Interest Check-off Sheet, then submit along with your annual dues. We would love to have you join us in service.